You are a Work of Art

Nov 28, 2022 | Uncategorized

After a full day of creative conversations and other shenanigans, I’ve completely abandoned the blog post I started in Atmosphere this morning. I’ll revive it another day.

For now, I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you. You are amazing and wonderful and magical as you are. All of your parts and pieces are essential, and diagnoses and treatment plans are only pieces of your story. Those pieces will only have as much value in this story as you give them. You are whole and complete.

You, dear one, are so much more than they, “the experts,” “the professionals,” or other critical voices who’ve branded your mindspace, would have you believe. Imagine the impact you could have on this world if you were allowed to know and trust the fullness of your power.

What kind of life would you create if your diagnosis or other systems didn’t have the power to hold you back? What small shift can you make right now, right where you are, as you are, to pull back some of your power? I’d love to hear how this lands for you. Drop a line in the comments, send me a private email or book a curiosity call if it feels right.


  1. Georgia

    Coming off the chaos of Thanksgiving holidays and entering the chaos that is the holiday season, this post reminds me that I have a grounding voice within if I will only give her the space to speak and the respect to listen to her truth. Thank you. 🙂

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      “If I will only give her the space to speak and the respect to listen to her truth.” Let that linger for a while. What small shifts might bring you closer to that?

  2. Robin Page

    Even the smallest steps seem so hard at times. I know alot that I would change about my life but I feel like my hands are tied behind my back while being stuck in the prison of my own mind. I think about the questions you ask but can never come up with any answers.

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      There is so much here to unpack, Robin. In some situations taking a big picture view is important to help us see the bogs and pits, but in other situations, a micro-level is the way to go. If you zoom in on exactly where you are as you are, what is one small shift you can make, even in your self-talk or “the prison of your own mind,” that might free up a hand or a few fingers even from the ties?

  3. Pastor Rose Shepley

    “…if you were allowed to know…” this is deep. Gatekeepers, “they,” are always in place ready and prepared to prevent us from knowing and trusting the fullness of our own power. I trusted my power this morning and made a risky move that felt right – I was scared at first but then I remembered this blog post and I shifted in my power space. I was about to let the voices in my head, the voices of the gatekeepers, convince me that I didn’t have the ability to move through this. I do, though. I am grateful for your words this week.