work zone

Oct 27, 2022 | Uncategorized

By Elizabeth Page Shepley

power in
our voices
who we are
as we figure it out
function without nourishment
does not equal success
we get to choose
what we give
what we share
of who we are
we are safe
when we are nourished
we can nourish
when we are safe
self-care is expression
of our freedom
to love all of our story
all of our parts
fierce love is the way
of the gentle warrior

Thank you to all of the incredible courageous people who guide me and share their light in the many circles we weave together.


  1. Frances T-L

    That is lovely. It speaks volumes about embracing all parts of ourselves…. “warts & all.” Coming to my own embracing of the shadow sides of myself, because “hating” any parts of myself, just brings me more of the same.

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Thank you Frances! I’m grateful to be a witness to your journey. I’ve learned through Qoya dances that there’s treasure to mine in the shadow contrast. Do you know It’s a gift. You’re a gift. Thank you for being here.

  2. Sally

    Remembering who we are as we figure it out…to love all of our story / all of our parts.
    Thank you for putting these words together in such a beautiful and meaningful and powerful way.

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Aww Sally, thank you for taking a moment to share what landed with you and for your thoughtfulness as you navigate through your day-to-day. Sharing your photos and a glimpse into what you see on your way through is one bright spot that calls me over to instagram, and you know I’m so grateful to share creative space with you when it happens. You’re amazing. Thank you for being here.

  3. Tina

    Re- membering: As we put our parts back together, there is such freedom in the choice to integrate the parts and accept ALL the pieces.

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Yes Tina! We get to love on those parts and accept what is, as it is, in the moment we have. With every dose of love, we get a little closer to fullness, to fulfillment. You are doing the work! You get to choose! You are powerFULL! Thank you for being here, Queen.

  4. Jennifer Strauser

    This is beautiful!

    I feel seen –
    “function without nourishment
    does not equal success”

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Thank you Jen for stopping in and sharing what landed for you. I do not have words to say how grateful I am to be a witness to your process and work. The full work of creative living with all the color and patterns and stitches and stories that weave through the stitches. You’re a rockstar! Thank you for being here.

  5. Robin Page

    Such the perfect picture to go with the words you wrote. I love this and I love even more the woman that you are.

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Sisters are allowed to be sappy. 😉 I love you too, Robin, (aka sissy aka Newton aka *the not-so-nice-nicknames our big brother has for you*). Thank you for being here and taking time to add your reaction to the juice. 😉 Love, Elizabeth (aka sissy aka Juice aka Juicy-fruit aka *i’m-happy-idk-what-he-calls-me*)

  6. cres

    Well done, you. I love you so much, as I know you love me!

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Aww thank you, love. I do love you, so, so much! You inspire me every day to be ‘daring & adventurous.” Thank you for being here.

  7. Maya Amaele Liebermann

    Yes. Yes. YES. A million yesses. Every part of my being resounds with these words. All of them.

    Thank you Elizabeth, for bringing these words through and sharing these words. They are helping me feel less alone in my vulnerability.

    In our collective vulnerability.

    “Fierce love is the way of the gentle warrior”.

    • Elizabeth Shepley

      Thank you, Maya, I’m happy it resonates with you, as you co-create within my closest circles. We speak the same language, and we are doing the courageous work! You are brave and resilient, and the time is now to share your voice. Let it ripple from right where you are. Thank you for being here.