Week 9 (ish)

Mar 14, 2022 | Uncategorized

Last night I had the gift of circling up with Sarah Sadie’s School for Original Spirits. I joined this Patreon soon after it was launched, and I love receiving the weekly invitations in my inbox. We were invited last night to reflect on how we interact with the invitations and the School overall, and I realized this is a space in my life that is working for me without me having to ‘work’ for it.

Sarah posts a short list of invitations to consider each week. I usually read them on the same day. In our reflections last night, I realized that over the past few weeks at least 2 or 3 of the invitations each week had informed the way I have shown up in the corresponding weeks. The presence of these invitations in my shenanigans wasn’t intentional or deliberate, but their influence was certainly undeniable. Even though as a certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach I understand the power of our subconscious minds and creativity, I love collecting data like this.

Data like this is supporting material to show that there are other ways to do life besides grind culture and working hard for everything all the time. There is hard work to do, yes. Please don’t misunderstand. But, what if we designed more systems that worked for us instead of working for/in systems that aren’t working? What if that freed up more energy to work on the things that light us up? 

Talk to me. Let me know where this lands for you. Have you ever noticed something that’s working for you that doesn’t feel like work? Are you able to feel the satisfaction of it? Have you diminished these things because they felt too easy? I’d love to hear from you. Drop a line in the comments, send me a private email or book a curiosity call if it feels right.