Rest & Play

Jan 30, 2023 | Uncategorized

My family of four just spent five days and four nights at a Great Wolf Lodge, fully immersed in all the experience had to offer. Because I am an ABCD (above and beyond the call of duty) kind of gal, I chose to enhance this vacation experience with a modified Artist’s Way assignment.

Julia Cameron’s “reading deprivation” assignment happens in “Week 4: Recovering a Sense of Integrity” for the purpose of getting the artist out of consumer mode. What would I do if I’m not busying myself with learning or consuming content from other creators? And again, because I go extra on stuff nine times out of 10, I expanded the assignment to include all types of media as well as screens/devices. I decided to go offline and unreachable for the week. In case of emergency, call the Great Wolf Lodge and ask for me. Go old school. Send a pigeon, or make smoke signals… whatever feels right.

I joke, but really, I was able to resign the responsibility that I have felt my whole life to be available to accommodate the needs, whims, and impulses of others. That was a big deal. I can’t remember a time in my life where I was able to extend such an act of kindness for myself. I rested and played all week. It was delightful. You all should know that I am a Master Magi, now, after defeating a Goblin King, rescuing the pixie kingdom from a dark plague, and battling a mighty dragon and returning the Princess’s jewels. It was so exhilarating and rewarding!

I picked up the phone a few times with intention as someone scurried through my heartspace or I wanted to snap a picture of something (there are only a handful of pictures from the week–turns out, I’m not so great at remembering to grab the camera), and a few times I picked the phone up out of habit, but was able to catch and release the mindless impulse and reroute.

I floated into working thoughts a few times, but again was able to catch and release the impulse and return to my leisurely intentions.

A few times anxiety gripped my ribcage, creating a pressure that made my heart beat fast and it felt hard to breathe because I worried that someone might need me and not know where to find me. I was able to catch these thoughts too and release that story and return home to myself. I chose a different story and trusted it: I was right where I was supposed to be with the ones I was meant to serve in that moment. Hand on heart, + “faith, trust and pixie dust,” and the week flew by. I’m already looking forward to our next adventure.

What stories hold you back from rest and play? Do you have more than one angle that keeps you from full immersion into your experiences? What story can you rescript today to make it a little easier to just be? OR what experiment or assignment could you take on, just for today, to enhance your experience? I could write a whole series on this one.

I’m also looking forward to breaking into Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey now that I’m over my media fast. Who else is reading this?

I’d love to hear from you. Drop a line in the comments, send me a private email or book a curiosity call if it feels right.


  1. Pastor Rose Shepley

    I’ll spend the week reflecting on the stories that hold me back from rest and play. They are many. Thank you for inspiring me to be more mindful of what distracts me from my priorities.

  2. Amy

    Ugh. Been grabbing my phone left and right. This post is inspiring…I’ll see what I can do.