A couple of weeks ago, I had the joy of attending an in-person artsy playdate hosted by my good friend & fellow creative shenaniganizer, Tina Riley Imaginariums. Our invitation was to play with alcohol inks and various tools and just see what would happen. Four grown women sat around a table in joyous fellowship talking about adulting and relationships and food and dreams while the motley alcohol ink continuously taught us to stay open, embrace the imperfections & trust the process.
I often get quiet when I’m in creative flow, and sitting there, listening to these brilliant women share stories and joys and sorrows while moving color around the page without expectations, I floated along in creative flow right to my zen. Tina would look over and say, “Elizabeth Shepley, are you alright?!,” and I’d answer with a smile and shrug, “I’m fantastic.” It was a social gathering, and the creative process was deeply solitary. The community connection was a balm that took me to another level as I messed around with colors on the page. Who needs plant medicine?! Below is my capture from the other side of that.
I could’ve curled up and taken a blissful nap from there, but I looked around at the abundance of creative fodder around me and flipped over a sheet of photo paper and collaged on the other side. There was a suggested theme of PRIDE in the creation process, and rainbows hold a special place for me as it goes, so as an ally, I embraced the invitation. This collage just happened. No planning. Just snipping rainbow colors from corners and remnants, and then the phrase showed itself: “Beautiful by Design.”
And so it was. And you are. And I am. And we are.
It’s been a while. Let’s have a virtual creative play date. Click here to register for July’s Jamboree.
Thank you for letting yourself sit in the playful wonder of the gathering. You are essential joy.