Internal Landscape Shows the Way

May 2, 2022 | Uncategorized

Ever have those episodes where you feel out of sorts but everything and everyone around you seems to be having the opposite experience? Like when people are screaming at their cell phone and shaking a fist to the sky yelling “f-you Mercury & your retrograde*” and you shake your head because everything is working fine where you stand? OR flip that, and everyone around you has a pep in their step and seem generous and kind and the sky is blue and you aren’t grumpy but you also can’t feel those vibes, or connect to all of that smiles and rainbows and happy camper stuff?

That last scene describes me lately. I thought I’d share some things that I find supportive in a patch like that:

  • I remind myself there’s nothing wrong with me, and this too shall pass.
  • I share with my closest circle to let them know where I’m at and I lean into their support even if neither of us know what I need at the moment.
  • I spend time outside.
  • I take longer showers and visualize the funk washing down the drain.
  • I breathe in certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils selected for their emotional support properties (or just an intuitive nudge). 
  • I adjust my expectations. This may mean I let other people down, reschedule things, or ask for extended deadlines.
  • I move my body.
  • I have a cleansing cry or toddler-sized fit.
  • Again, I remind myself that there’s nothing here to fix.

It takes me a while to recognize when I’ve reached such a space. In a conversation last week, I shared that I had been in “incognito fix it mode” due to believing I was in a stable space because I knew something was off kilter but I was “doing” what I know to do. I spent a couple of weeks prior feeling really unproductive and chaotic, in the spinning wheels and getting nowhere space, before I could “see” where I was and settle into it. It is uncomfortable to recognize and surrender to that discomfort without needing to fix it. I know that it almost always shifts on its own without me needing to ‘do’ anything at all. In fact, I just need to pause and be.

I wrote this poem last week when I finally met myself right where I was. 

Reading My Internal Landscape


My body is over it.


My heart is over it.


I’m over it.

My internal landscape illustrates the way.

Simple. Open. Still. Quiet. Connected.

Stop. Stop everything. 

If only for a moment. If only for a day. If only in a dream.

What do you do when you feel out of sorts or misaligned with the world around you? Or maybe you feel out of alignment within, like you aren’t where you want to be or think you *should* be? What does it look like when you resist accepting where you are or push against it? What does it look like to surrender? Drop a line in the comments, send me a private email or book a curiosity call if it feels right. 

*Mercury goes retrograde May 10, 😉


  1. Georgia Smith

    Never underestimate the healing, restorative power of a toddler-sized hissy fit. Is it juvenile? Yes. Is it messy? Oh yeah. But does it get all the murky, yucky, icky, uncomfortable, poopy feelings out of your body? Boy howdy you betcha lol. And then afterwards, you get to comfort your inner child in a way you were incapable of doing just minutes prior.

    Bring it on, Mercury retrograde. We got this.

  2. Robin Page

    You have such a gift at making things seem more simple than they feel. 😇🥰